jin akanishi

official site


JIN AKANISHI 10th Anniversary Live 2023 Goods - Acrylic Stand - Information


JIN AKANISHI 10th Anniversary Live 2023 We would like to make an important announcement regarding the secret of the acrylic stand of the live goods!
If you purchase an acrylic stand and win the secret item, you will receive a special present.
Please be sure to ask our staff for it during the following period.
Supported period:
July 1 / July 2: Yoyogi Daiichi Gymnasium (until the end of merchandise sales)
July 4: Zepp DiverCity (until 1 hour after the show) *Please note that we will not be able to respond outside of this period.
We will not be able to answer any questions regarding the secret or gift items.
We will not be able to answer any questions regarding the secret or gift items. Please note that we will not be able to provide any information other than what is currently available.
Please refrain from contacting the venue directly.